한국어 번역
한국어 번역


Your contribution is valued and needed as we strive to meet our mission of connecting adoptees, collaborating, and preserving our adoption histories

Why you should donate to Adoptee Hub

  • We connect adoptees with each other and with resources and services.
  • We seek to fill in the gaps to provide essential post-adoption services that don’t exist.
  • We strive to preserve our adoption legacies, histories, and communities.

Where your donations go

  • Provide birth searches and reunions, counseling, translation, citizenship services, and support groups.
  • Provide a birth search portal that will enable us to enact the above services.
  • Provide a film and arts festival for the adoptee community.
  • Provide a physical center for adoptees where we can meet and share similar experiences.

Donate your time Apply Here

  • Your professional background & experiences.
  • Korean Translator/Interpreter
  • Research Committee
  • Collecting books, videos, art, writings, cultural materials
  • Events Committee

Please contact us at any time:
Phone: 612-458-6250